Thursday, June 25, 2009

First activity done...

There was no rest between teaching seminary and undertaking my first social as Ward Activity Chair. I'm grateful it's over and I'm grateful it went well. I'm also happy to share the idea with anyone who also finds themselves with this calling. And last of all, I'm so thankful for the wonderful friends who helped me pull it off. For 5 years I have been doing a calling which requires no co-ordinating of schedules and no need to ask for help to be successful. That no longer applies. You can't pull off a good ward social without support and worker bees.
So...our activity was called

Scripture Style

Here are some of the fabulous cakes that came through the door!

This one got the most votes of the was fabulous!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Hixons

Well, it was pretty hard to say goodbye to the Hixon family today after Sunday dinner. But instead of being sad (which I am ) I'll just be grateful for the time we got to spend together.
I'm hoping that Asher will remember Grandma Mills and how much fun we had playing cars and playing with the birds. I won't be able to eat another Fiber One bar without thinking of the times he brought the whole box to me one at a time, or look at the sippy cup without thinking of the drinks he had from it.

Thanks Jamie and Dan for sticking around for as long as you did. Thanks for making the trek over for dinner every Sunday and for all the love you added to our home. Thank goodness for internet communication. I don't feel totally left behind because I know we can still share our lives with each other through our computers...but I'm sure going to miss Asher hugs!
Be safe and happy in Arizona....and we shall see you in a few months. Love you guys!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Music Moments

While on a walk early this morning, listening to my iPod, I once again realized how grateful I am for music...and for all the people with talent that write lyrics and notes on a page. It is a part of life that brings me a lot of happiness.